In your company, are you responsible for booking venues, facilities, restaurants and organizing transportation for meetings and events?
A Plate Full of Trends

With the popularity of cooking programs on TV, celebrity chefs and newspaper and media pieces, the public is more educated and interested about their food.

The corporate meeting planner realizes that meeting attendees have become more sophisticated and expect the “wow” for any catered event, from small to large. The attendee or guest is driving the trend. A successful planner and caterer must follow the latest “in”
foods and offer cutting-edge presentations and unique menus that invigorate the palate.

Submit an Article
If you have expertise in a particular area relevant to planning meetings and or events, you may submit a 400 to 750 word "how-to" article for possible inclusion in any of our magazines and/or our websites.

If accepted, your submission will be edited for length and clarity. There is no monetary payment if your item is used; instead, you can publicize yourself through a five-line biography with your contact information that will appear at the end of the article.

Send submissions to We will contact you if your submission is chosen.