In your company, are you responsible for booking venues, facilities, restaurants and organizing transportation for meetings and events?
Houston's Hotel Hotspots
Most hotels usually offer catering services specific to their location, which is advantageous to event planners. For one, by utilizing the hotel’s catering services, planners have to worry less about the coordination of various suppliers because everything is already there: the infrastructure, food and beverage quantities, service staff, tableware, kitchen facilities and more. In addition, hotels with this functionality already in place can handle and cater to larger groups without being overwhelmed by capacity issues like some smaller independent caterers.

Hotel caterers are very good at servicing the particular market niche they’ve identified as their strength and can handle several types of events simultaneously in the same location. The catering department is organized so all catering personnel are under the supervision of the hotel’s food and beverage director, not the meeting planner, who instead can worry about other details related to the event.

Furthermore, the food at most upscale hotels matches the quality of the surroundings. High-end hotels employ professionally trained executive chefs and staff that can provide elegant and sumptuous cuisine perfect for elevating your event with delicious gourmet offerings. Hotels often have standard menus or whole-group single-entrÈe offerings, but many are willing to create special menus for an event, culture or dietary preference or provide guests with individual choices of dining fare.

The other side of hotel catering is the occasional property that also offers its catering services to off-site events. Imagine the perfect event in the perfect setting—a sunny garden, an exclusive gallery, a historic landmark or even your company’s parking lot. One option for catering at such locations is hotels that will bring their catering expertise to you with prices that are competitive with other come-to-you caterers.

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